
3D showroom

Our new 3D Showroom is finally here!
Check it out at: https://360panorama.fi/3DShowroom/

Putting it together was a lot of work, but we think it's well worth it. The showroom is a truly immersive experience, and you can even navigate it using VR glasses. If you have enough space, you can even walk around the showroom as if you were there in person.

hashtag#3DShowroom hashtag#VR hashtag#UusiKokemus hashtag#Immersiivinen hashtag#NäyttelyTila hashtag#360Panorama hashtag#Joensuu hashtag#PohjoisKarjala hashtag#3DShowroom hashtag#VR hashtag#NewExperience hashtag#Immersive hashtag#ExhibitionSpace hashtag#360Panorama hashtag#Joensuu hashtag#NorthKarelia
