
Visual Festival 2023

Visual Festival 2023 event at Joensuu Botania 23-26 November 2023

The Visual Festival 2023 event was a great visual experience, both in terms of its organization and all of the works on display.

I have been involved in all Visual Festivals as a photographer. This time, I was able to participate not only as a photographer, but also as an artist. I have been building my own light art works for a few years, and my latest work, Ultraviolet Reality, was presented to the public for the first time at the Visual Festivals. My work deals with biodiversity loss and change. The work is an interactive photo series consisting of 10 panels. Each panel features a flower that has been photographed in ultraviolet light as pollinating insects see it and in normal light as we humans see it. In the interactive section of the work, you can take a closer look at these lighting methods and flowers.

"Ultraviolet Reality" challenges us to consider our responsibility for the well-being of our planet. It asks how we can influence the preservation of biodiversity. How to create a more sustainable and balanced relationship with our environment.

The Visual Festival event featured artists from six countries. With the help of the 360-degree presentation below, you can see the works during the day and at night. The presentation also allows you to get to know the artists.
